Wednesday, May 27, 2009

My New Litmus Test: Amendments

No candidate for public office should get my vote unless they are in support of Constitutional Conventions and Amending the constitution on the following:

-Term Limits for Congress

-Repealing the 16th and 17th Amendments

-Marriage Amendment

-Human Life Amendment

Did you know we can do this WITHOUT the Federal Government?? Did you know the President plays NO part in this... he has no veto power?? 3/4 of the states? Piece of cake! 38 states. After 2010, we can storm the State Legislatures and even Governors with conservatives...Leave the Washington Elitists in the dust!!!



  1. Why do you want the 17th Amendment repealed? Just curious...

  2. Prior to the 17th Amendment the State Legislators voted for our Senators. Making their election directly from the people has shifted some of the checks and balances. The politics of election changed with this amendment and their longer term limits makes it much more difficult to moderate their actions. Quite simply, their interests have changed once they became directly elected by the people. Also, this was done during the Progressive movement which desired to expand the powers of the federal government.

    I think today this is even more important than ever...with more and more uneducated people (media mind zombies) voting in elections now. If our state legislators voted for our senators again, we would take more interest in local office holders and we would have a body in Congress again NOT directly voted by the people.

    The arguments are similar to why we should have an Electoral College.


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